02 Apr

Eric Margolis

         Margolis publishes a short weekly column. He is clear and blunt and generally skeptical of the MSM presentation of events. He is always critical of US/NATO interventions.

Paul Craig Roberts

         Roberts is Ronald Reagan's former Undersecretary of the Treasury. He continues to admire Reagan and George Bush Sr., but is fiercely critical both of the domestic and foreign policy of all US administrations since.

John McMurtry

        In The Cancer Stage of Capitalism, McMurtry describes the world economy in a way that sharply distinguishes it from the competitive order of classical capitalist imaginings. 

Stephen Gowans

Caitlin Johnstone

     Caitlin Johnstone has recently written an article entitled "The Bogus Argument for Keeping US in Afghanistan." 

Finian Cunningham

The Saker

Diane Johnstone

Pepi Escobar

Stephen Cohen 

Michel Chossudovsky 

Aaron  Maté 

     Maté is a Canadian who comes from Vancouver. He has connected himself with several alternative websites over the past few years, including Real News and Grayzone. 

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