30 Apr

The current conflict in Syria, which began in 2011, has been routinely characterized in Western media as a popular democratic uprising challenging a sectarian absolutist regime headed by one Bashar al Assad. It began in the same year as the "Arab Spring" uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and elsewhere and Western media have regarded it as an unfortunate failure in which repression has held sway.

In fact, though, the Assad government – though it over-represented Syria's Alawite minority – was and is far less sectarian than Arab governments criticized only mildly in the West and is more liberal than any Islamic state in the region. Its opponents, though very adroit at appealing to Western liberal sensibilities, are on the whole absolutist Islamic ideologues whose attitude towards Western democracy and  liberalism is one of contempt. They are closely connected and generously supported by the Wahhabi zealots of Saudi Arabia and receive additional support form the UAE and Turkey. They have been frequently sadistic in their treatment of the Syrian Arab Army and its supporters and have been heartless in their management of such populations over which  they have managed to obtain control.

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